The 38th annual Guild of Clinton Christmas Parade will be held Friday, December 6, starting at 7PM. (PLEASE NOTE: THE PARADE IS ALWAYS HELD ON THE FIRST FRIDAY IN DECEMBER). It is imperative that you convey the following information as well as information from the Town of Clinton Chief of Police Letter to ALL those involved with your entry.

The parade takes place in the center of Clinton. All entries will line up on New Street and Center Street east to Brightspeed. Numbered signs will be located at curb side along that route. Please find your number and line up quickly. Floats may enter Center Street from the East end only. No one will be permitted to enter from the west end of Center Street or any side street — No Exceptions!

Please note: The Parade starts at the intersection of New Street and East Main Street (across from the Post Office) moving west toward Main Street, across Leigh Street onto Main Street, right onto Lower Center Street, left onto Halstead Street and concluding at the north end of the Halstead Street bridge. However, there will be no unloading of parade participants until they reach the community center. For safety reasons there will be no spectating on Halstead Street. Please move to the downtown areas.

There will be no parking on Center Street after 4:00PM Friday. After 5:30PM there will be no access to Center Street from the West (Leigh Street End). All parade participants and floats MUST access Center Street from the East (McDonalds End).

At 5:30PM Center Street will be closed to all non-parade traffic. However, Center Street residents may enter from the east end until 6:30PM. No traffic of any kind will be allowed to enter from the west end of Center Street after 5:30PM due to traffic congestion and pedestrian safety concerns.

At 6:30PM, Lower Center, Main, East Main, New, George’s Place, Halstead and Leigh Streets (north of the traffic light) will be closed to traffic. Center Street will be open for parade traffic only. Streets will be open to thru traffic by 8:30PM. Parade drop-offs should be made between 5:00-6:00PM from the perimeter streets such as Old Highway 22 (Route 173), Center Street by McDonalds, Grey Rock Road or Halstead Street (The Halstead Street bridge will still be closed to thru traffic). Participants can and should walk the very short distances to the parade line-up on Center Street, helping to keep vehicles off Center Street. Parents are encouraged to accompany children to their respective floats. Remember, it’s “Show Time” in Clinton on parade night and safety is our main concern.

The parade is slow moving with no reviewing stand. Any unit wanting to stop and perform briefly is encouraged to do so. Be careful of large gaps in the line of march. Gaps are to be expected in a parade of this type so try to limit performances to 1 minute or so unless the unit ahead is not moving. Huge gaps lead to spectators becoming restless, resulting in crowd control issues. Please be mindful of your surroundings and act accordingly. Try to maintain a 40-foot distance with the unit ahead of you.

URGENT REMINDER: Lower Center, Halstead, New, East Main and Main Streets will be closed and there will be NO PARKING. Clinton Police have informed us that any vehicle on these streets or any street on the parade route will be towed at owner’s expense.

Transportation will be provided via a shuttle bus service starting at 5:00PM from the parking lot of the South Ridge Community Church (formerly Clinton Baptist Church) located on Pittstown Road just south of Interstate 78. Return service in provided after the parade in front of the Clinton House.


There can be no Santa’s other than our real Santa Claus that is at the end of the parade. Any violation will result in disqualification from future events.

You will be notified if you are in the parade. You will receive a numbered location for the line-up prior to the day of the parade. Your entry must be in position by 6:30 PM. Parade starts at 7:00 PM sharp regardless. We apologize for not being able to respond to all submissions as we have a limited number of spots available.

Any unit with live animals must have a “pooper scooper” immediately following for clean up.

We have a maximum number of entries that we can allow due to limited line-up area and length of parade. Walking groups will not be permitted. Individuals accompanying a float are acceptable and must be listed on the application for approval.

If your plans have changed and you find you will be unable to participate in the parade, please contact a parade administrator at 908-735-8010. This will enable us to adjust our line-up. There is always a waiting list of new entries who would like to participate in the parade.

No Alcoholic Beverages are permitted along the Parade Route or on any public sidewalk, street or other public areas.

For obvious safety reasons there will be no throwing or distributing of anything from the crowd or floats during the parade. Any violation will result in disqualification from future events and possible prosecution, as this is a violation of NJ Motor Vehicle Laws.

Floats are not permitted to linger at the end of the Parade Route or at the Clinton Community Center. Be prepared to off-load passengers safely at the Community Center with minimum delays, or continue on with your passengers to off-load at another pre-determined location.

There will be NO rain/snow date since the logistics of police, fire and rescue departments, rescue squad, bands, special entries, etc. make an alternative date impossible.

Clinton Christmas Parade Route

Clinton Christmas Parade Route Map